Everything You Need to Know About The Clutch Stroller
You’ve probably heard a ton about The Clutch: our lightweight travel stroller. It’s a favorite among media and influencers alike, and for good reason. Our Clutch is better than the competition, and you’ll soon see why. Don’t believe me? Read on to see why everyone loves The Clutch Stroller!
Teeny Tiny
Our Clutch stroller folds up small. Really, really, small. It fits in overhead bins, the smallest city apartments, even in your back seat! It’s smaller than a paper grocery bag! This compact fold makes The Clutch ideal for families who are low on space, or just simply don’t want to deal with the hassle of a full-size stroller.
Speedy Fold
Wrangling kiddos and a bulky stroller is downright impossible, and we all know it. This is why we worked extra hard to ensure that our stroller can be easily folded or unfolded in just two seconds. Other strollers just can’t say the same.
Great for Travel
Other strollers fold up small too, but no other brand comes with a travel-ready carrying bag. It’s specifically designed to fit The Clutch like a glove and features a sturdy shoulder strap. It’s a small detail, but it goes a long way in terms of convenience and ease of use.
Lots of Room
Let’s face it: kids have LOTS of stuff, and one of the biggest consumer complaints about compact travel strollers is the undercarriage storage basket is really lacking. Blankets and bottles and toys take up space, and The Clutch has plenty of room to hold them. We design our products with real families in mind, and we know that real families need storage space!
Super Sturdy
A lot of parents are hesitant to try one of these travel strollers because they think that lightweight means flimsy. That might be the case for some brands, but not ours. The Clutch has a lightweight, but very sturdy, metal frame that holds up to anything. Plus, it’s safe for kids up to 50 pounds, so you’re sure to get years of use from this stroller.
Priced Right
One of the most obvious differences between The Clutch stroller and competitors is the price. We’re priced at just $139.99, making The Clutch one of the most affordable travel strollers on the market. Those extra dollars matter a lot to families, especially those with small kids!
Safest Choice
Here at Delta Children, we pride ourselves on producing the safest possible products for your family. We hold ourselves to a far higher standard than what’s set by our industry or mandated to our government. This includes heavy metals and toxic materials, along with the physical integrity of every product. No other brand tests more than Delta!
Well there you have it! Everything you need to know about the hottest stroller on the market right now. Do you have The Clutch already? Tell us why you love it in the comments below!