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Bedroom Safety

  • Transition your child from a crib to a toddler bed once they are 35 inches tall
  • Furniture should be positioned at least 3 feet away from the window to restrict climbing
  • Remove nightlights from any low to the ground outlets
  • Use window guards to prevent falls and cordless blinds to avoid strangulation

Kitchen Safety

  • Turn pot handles towards the back of the stove while cooking
  • Detergent pods can be mistaken for candy, keep them out of low cabinets
  • Secure the oven door with an appliance lock and remove knobs from the stove
  • Always unplug small appliances like toaster ovens after use
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Boy sitting down 3

Living Room Safety

  • Anchor your flat screen TVs to the wall to prevent from toppling
  • Tape down battery covers on remotes to ensure they cannot be removed
  • Restrict the fireplace area with a heat-resistent gate
  • Picture frames should be securely mounted on the wall or well out of reach

General Tips

  • Keep chairs, benches and couches away from all windows and balconies
  • Secure all tall furniture (dressers & case pieces) to the wall to avoid tumbling
  • Designate restricted areas for older siblings; toys that might pose a choking hazard
  • Keep medication out of purses and easy to reach cabinets
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Most children transition out of a crib between 18 months and 2½ years, typically when a toddler reaches the height of 35 inches. The reason for this is primarily safety. Depending on how active and restless your child is, he/she may begin exploring ways to climb out of the crib at any point in those months, so the decision about when to transition to a big-kid bed should be made when it is no longer safe to leave the toddler in the crib unattended. Parents should never use crib tents or other restraints, since children risk getting caught and suffocating. Instead, many parents move their child to a toddler bed, which uses the same size mattress as a crib.

Many toddlers just aren’t great sleepers: they may find it hard to fall asleep, or they may not be great at sleeping through the night. Since getting enough sleep is essential to a toddler’s physical and mental health (not to mention that of their parents!), there are a number of toddler sleep aids that parents can try. Ultimately, the goal is to help toddlers learn to independently soothe themselves and put themselves to sleep. However, it is very common for toddlers to experience sleep regression from time to time, where formerly good sleepers go back to fighting their bedtime and middle of the night wake-ups. Experts say this is often due to short-term factors like illness, teething, interruptions in their routine, or milestone transitions (such as moving to a new bed, the birth of a sibling, or potty training). Generally these kinds of regressions are temporary and resolve themselves in a few weeks, so they usually require a lot of short-term patience, rather than a long-term change to the sleep routine.

By the time a child is two years old, he/she will typically be sleeping 11-13 hours per night, in addition to an afternoon nap. However, every child is different, and you should check with your pediatrician about what a healthy sleep schedule is for your own child. It is is very common for toddlers to start resisting naps at the two year mark, now that they start to become social—after all, who wants to nap when there is fun to be had? But toddlers are also learning to exert their independence, and oftentimes this manifests in their not wanting to take a nap, even when they are exhausted and clearly need one. That’s why experts say that parents should avoid giving up the afternoon nap at this age. In fact, many toddlers will keep their nap until 4 & 5 years old.

Toddler Safety Anywhere They Go

Just because your baby has grown into a toddler doesn’t mean your concerns over their safety have disappeared. In fact, you may have even more concerns about their safety now than you did when they were a baby – after all, toddlers are more mobile and independent than babies. With this adventurous spirit also comes some new dangers. Use our tips for toddler-proofing your home so you can rest easy while they’re on the go.

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